Commodity Market Report

Global cathode and precursor short-term outlook December 2022

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*Please note that this report only includes an Excel data file if this is indicated in "What's included" below

November EV sales set another all-time record supporting increasing production for battery materials all across the value chain. EV penetration in China reached almost 40% in November, while European and Nort American EV penetration is holding around 25% and 8% respectively. We're expecting EV penetration to reach 13% in 2022, while by 2032 plug-in EV share will increase almost threefold to 38% requiring all steps of the production chain to rapidly scale.

Table of contents

  • Precursor materials price
  • Supply & Demand
  • Supply chain
  • Recycling

Tables and charts

This report includes 15 images and tables including:

  • NCM precursor materials price, thousand $US/t
  • NCM precursor materials price forecast, thousand $US/t
  • Cathode materials price, thousand $US/t
  • Cathode materials price forecast, thousand $US/t
  • Global plug-in EV vehicle sales by powertrain, M units, and penetration
  • Total automotive sales, M units
  • Plug-in EV sales regional break, thousand units
  • The average plug-in EV battery size index, Jan 2019 = 100
  • Automotive segment cathode consumption in sold cars, kt of cathode material
  • Global cathode supply by type, kt
  • Global precursor supply by type, kt
  • Imports and exports of NCM (China)
  • Imports of NCM from China
  • Imports and exports of PNCM (China)
  • Imports and exports of PNCA (China)

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Global cathode and precursor short-term outlook December 2022

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