Commodity Market Report

Global steel long-term outlook Q2 2019

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*Please note that this report only includes an Excel data file if this is indicated in "What's included" below

What’s changed since our last report?

The primary change is that our long-term steel demand and production forecasts have been revised down from our Q1 data by around 2% or 30Mt – mostly due to the current weakness in the US, India and particularly Europe.

Fundamentally, we now think steel production in Europe, faced by high raw materials costs and environmental pressures, has entered a stage of stagnation and will eventually decline.

Why buy this report?

  • Understand how policy developments will impact steel markets in the longer term.  We discuss two main themes: trade restrictions and environmental concerns.
  • Identify which producers will be hit hardest by weak demand and high raw materials costs.
  • Get detailed analysis on supply and demand in key regions.

You’ll get access to our complete data set with comprehensive information on steel demand, trade paterns, production and prices across China, India, Europe and the US. We also provide an inside view on Chinese steel capacity swaps. Scroll down for a list of the tables and charts you will receive.

Our long-term demand and production forecasts have been revised down by around 2% or 30Mt – mostly due to the current weakness in the US, India and particularly Europe. The weak demand in many regions and high raw material costs, mean a difficult few years for steelmakers, particularly BF-BOF producers. In this report we discuss: • What will drive Chinese demand growth and what is happening to Chinese capacity? • What awaits European and US steelmakers in the coming years? • Is Indian growth reaching its potential?

Table of contents

  1. Executive summary
  2. Revisions
  3. Supply-demand balances
  4. Global production, capacity and prices

Tables and Charts

1. Steel Demand
             Apparent Finished Steel Consumption
             Finished Steel Consumption by Sector
2. Steel Trade
           Finished Steel Exports
           Finished Steel Imports
3. Production
         Crude Steel Production
         Hot Metal Production
         DRI Production
5. Capacity
6. Prices

Access the full report for the complete dataset.

Table of contents

  • No table of contents specified

Tables and charts

No table or charts specified

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Steel Market Servie LTO Q2 2019 Interim Update.pdf

    PDF 2.71 MB