Asset Report

Portovesme (ISF) zinc smelter

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The Porto Vesme ISF was commissioned in 1972 with a design capacity of 72kt/a zinc. In 1995, the ISF was uprated by enlarging the hearth and shaft areas, to a new capacity of 90kt/a zinc. High Italian power prices have had a major adverse effect on the economics of Porto Vesme. In January 2005 Glencore put the future operation of the ISF smelter under review and in February the plant was closed. It is assumed in this analysis that the smelter will not restart.

Table of contents

  • Summary
  • Location / Transport
  • Conc. Receipt / Storage
  • Sinter Plant
  • Acid Plant
  • Smelting Furnace
  • Refining
  • Casting Plant
  • Slag Disposal
  • Other

Tables and charts

This report includes 1 images and tables including:

  • Detailed map

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Portovesme (ISF) zinc smelter

    PDF 1.12 MB