
Access is still king: are explorers capturing enough new ventures?

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Acreage renewal is the stand-out reason why some explorers outperform others. Adding better basins refreshes the winners’ portfolios. Subsequent prospect selection and programme execution are only secondary success factors. Most companies plan a smaller role for exploration in future. The danger is that they stop replenishing inventory and suffer waning exploration results. Much better to keep options open with a steady flow of new acreage until the long-term demand outlook is clearer.

Table of contents

  • Average explorers in top basins beat top explorers in average basins
  • Frontier and emerging basins rank highly
  • Have the special skills required for basin choice been lost?
  • New ventures, different explorers

Tables and charts

This report includes 2 images and tables including:

  • Value creation (destruction) by basin rank and relative performance within basin
  • Contrasting challenges of new basins and existing ventures

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Access is still king: are explorers capturing enough new ventures?

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