Asset Report

Yemen Sab`atayn exploration basin

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The Sab’atayn Basin is one of two key petroleum provinces in Yemen. It is located onshore on the southern edge of the Arabian Peninsula. The production history of the basin dates back to the 1980s, when the giant Alif field was discovered and brought onstream by the Yemen Exploration and Production Company (YEPC) joint-venture. In 2013, a licencing round opened to new applications, aiming to generate interest in petroleum exploration. Three new blocks were awarded in the basin. However, ongoing political turmoil in Yemen since 2014 has effectively brought further new licence awards or exploration work to a halt for the foreseeable future.

Table of contents

  • Volumes discovered
  • Licensing
  • Fiscal Terms

Tables and charts

This report includes 5 images and tables including:

  • Basin creaming curve
  • Key basin data
  • Cumulative discoveries by play
  • Cumulative volumes discovered by play
  • Typical fiscal terms

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Yemen Sab`atayn exploration basin

    PDF 1.15 MB