Asset Report

Albacora Area

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*Please note that this report only includes an Excel data file if this is indicated in "What's included" below

Albacora was one the first major deep-water developments undertaken by Petrobras. Its discovery in 1984, along with Marlim in the following year, led Petrobras to focus its offshore exploration on the deep-water turbidite sandstones, achieving excellent results with discoveries such as Roncador and Marlim Sul.Given the water depths across the field, Petrobras decided to develop it on a phased basis, with the shallower southerly part of the field being brought onstream first through a pilot ...

Table of contents

  • Key facts
    • Summary
    • Key issues
      • Petrobras rejects bids for the new Albacora FPSO
      • Petrobras cancels Albacora farm-out and the field returns to Petrobras' portfolio
      • Albacora and Albacora Leste negotiation closer to an end
      • Albacora upside potential
  • Location maps
    • History
    • Local content
  • Geology
  • Well data
  • Reserves and resources
  • Production
    • Key development metrics
  • Infrastructure
    • Capital costs
    • Operating costs
      • Transportation costs
      • Leasing costs
    • Oil
    • Gas
  • Fiscal and regulatory
    • Cash Flow
    • Discount rate and date
    • Inflation rate
    • Oil price
    • Global Economic Model (GEM) file
  • Economic analysis

Tables and charts

This report includes 23 images and tables including:

  • Key facts: Table 1
  • Index Map
  • Detail Map
  • Participation: Table 1
  • Geology: Table 1
  • Well data: Table 1
  • Reserves and resources: Table 1
  • Production: Table 1
  • Production: Table 2
  • Production Profile
  • Infrastructure: Table 1
  • Cash Flow
  • Economic analysis: Table 2
  • Economic analysis: Table 3
  • Split of Revenues
  • Cumulative Net Cash Flow - Undiscounted
  • Cumulative Net Cash Flow - Discounted at 10% from 01/01/2024
  • Remaining Present Value Price Sensitivities
  • Development: Table 1
  • Costs: Table 1
  • Costs: Table 2
  • Sales contracts: Table 1
  • Costs: Table 3

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Albacora Area

    PDF 5.07 MB