Market Report

Charting the course: A look at Europe's renewables PPA landscape in 2023

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Wood Mackenzie's Europe renewables PPA landscape report dives into the latest PPA trends seen in the region. We analyse the market landscape before looking into the pricing landscape, contract structures and market outlook. Even though contracted PPA volumes fell last year due to pricing volatility and regulatory interventions, PPA volumes are expected to accelerate sharply in the coming years. ESG requirements and structurally higher retail energy rates will drive corporate PPA adoption, while the European Commission sees PPAs as a key procurement mechanism to help countries reach their 2030 renewables targets.

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This report contains:

  • Document

    A look at Europe's renewables PPA landscape in 2023_PR.pdf

    PDF 1.56 MB

  • Document

    Europe's renewables PPA landscape in 2023_Data.xlsx

    XLSX 78.57 KB