Market Report

Commercial landscape of EV charging networks in North America

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As electric vehicle adoption continues to rise, the role of public charging networks is crucial to providing a reliable and seamless charging experience. This report develops a landscape of public EV charging networks in North America, documenting the offerings and partnerships of public EV charging networks, highlighting key players, discussing charging technology trends and exploring network integrations.

Table of contents

  1. Ecosystem of EV charging networks 
  2. Pureplay EV charging networks 
  3. Turnkey network providers 
  4. Retail EV charging networks 
  5. Utility-owned charging networks 
  6. Urban, automaker, depot and non-networked EV charging networks 
  7. E-mobility service provider 
  8. Venture capital, mergers and acquisitions 
  9. Station operation and site economics 

10. Fractionalisation vs integration 

Tables and charts

  • Cumulative public EV charging port forecast, US and Canada
  • Verticals of public EV charging network business models
  • Taxonomy of the public EV charging ecosystem
  • DCFC ports and stations by charging network in the US
  • DCFC ports by state
  • Level 2 ports and stations by charging network in the US
  • Level 2 ports by state
  • DCFC ports and stations by charging network in Canada
  • DCFC ports by province
  • Level 2 ports and locations by charging network in Canada
  • Level 2 ports by province
  • Level 2 and DCFC port count by network type
  • Pureplay EV charging networks in North America
  • Level 2 and DCFC port count for pureplay EV charging networks
  • Turnkey network providers in North America (1 of 2)
  • Turnkey network providers in North America (2 of 2)
  • Turnkey network providers by level 2 and DCFC port count
  • Tables of known CPO software services package prices
  • Revenue breakdown for a Level 2 charger
  • Adaptive vs Conventional charging
  • Retail EV charging networks in North America
  • Utility-owned charging networks in North America
  • Utility-owned charging networks by level 2 and DCFC port count
  • Software providers for utilities
  • Urban EV charging networks in North America
  • Automaker and depot charging networks in North America
  • DCFC ports and stations by EV charging network in North America
  • Proportion of non-networked chargers installed in North America
  • Android app store download counts by EMSP
  • 2022 VC investment in public EV charging networks and EVSE manufacturing
  • Demand charges as a share of DCFC station costs across power levels
  • Aboveground, battery-integrated EVSE, Off-Grid, Co-located storage and Semi-permanent infrastructure providers
  • Average annual LCFS credit prices by market in USD
  • Public CPO software partnerships by port count
  • Additional level 2 ports available to customers through roaming integrations
  • Additional DCFC ports available to customers through roaming integrations
  • Bilateral roaming agreements and roaming hub integrations by charging network 
  • EV charging network integrations by automaker EMSPs