Commodity Market Report

Constitutional Reform sensitivity case developed from the Mexico gas, power and renewables 2021 outlook to 2050

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Following the Constitutional reform initiative sent to the House of Congress on 1 October by Mexico’s President, this sensitivity scenario from our Mexico gas, power and renewables 2021 outlook to 2050 (Base Case) presents an approximation of the proposed changes in dispatch logic, prioritizing the National Utility power plants over private participants, for the next five years. This scenario reflects the Federal Commission of Electricity (CFE) serving between 54% and 56% of total electricity demand, considering their existing installed capacity and its mix of technologies. This sensitivity scenario assesses the potential changes in dispatch logic and the effects on the energy market.

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This report contains:

  • Document

    Mexico Constitutional Reform sensitivity case.pdf

    PDF 4.44 MB

  • Document

    Mexico GPR 2021 Outlook To 2050 Constitutional Reform Sensitivity Case Gas Demand Breakout Mexico 10 29 2021.xlsx

    XLSX 419.53 KB

  • Document

    Mexico GPR 2021 Outlook To 2050 Constitutional Reform Sensitivity Case Gas Price Outlook Mexico 10 29 2021.xlsx

    XLSX 93.17 KB

  • Document

    Mexico GPR 2021 Outlook To 2050 Constitutional Reform Sensitivity Case Gas Supply Breakout Mexico 10 29 2021.xlsx

    XLSX 510.70 KB

  • Document

    Mexico GPR 2021 Outlook To 2050 Constitutional Reform Sensitivity Case Power Avg Day Month 10 29 2021.xlsx

    XLSX 4.19 MB

  • Document

    Mexico GPR 2021 Outlook To 2050 Constitutional Reform Sensitivity Case Power Clean Energy Compliance Mexico 10 29 2021.xlsx

    XLSX 57.87 KB

  • Document

    Mexico GPR 2021 Outlook To 2050 Constitutional Reform Sensitivity Case Power Delivered Fuel Prices Nominal Mexico 10 29 2021.xlsx

    XLSX 92.27 KB

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    Mexico GPR 2021 Outlook To 2050 Constitutional Reform Sensitivity Case Power Delivered Fuel Prices Real Mexico 10 29 2021.xlsx

    XLSX 92.70 KB

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    Mexico GPR 2021 Outlook To 2050 Constitutional Reform Sensitivity Case Power Emissions Mexico 10 29 2021.xlsx

    XLSX 54.69 KB

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    Mexico GPR 2021 Outlook To 2050 Constitutional Reform Sensitivity Case Power Load Forecast Mexico 10 29 2021.xlsx

    XLSX 77.00 KB

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    Mexico GPR 2021 Outlook To 2050 Constitutional Reform Sensitivity Case Power Prices Sparks IHR Darks Nominal Mexico 10 29 2021.xlsx

    XLSX 752.68 KB

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    Mexico GPR 2021 Outlook To 2050 Constitutional Reform Sensitivity Case Power Prices Sparks IHR Darks Real Mexico 10 29 2021.xlsx

    XLSX 2.29 MB

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    Mexico GPR 2021 Outlook To 2050 Constitutional Reform Sensitivity Case Power Supply Demand Energy Mexico 10 29 2021.xlsx

    XLSX 198.16 KB

  • Document

    Mexico GPR 2021 Outlook To 2050 Constitutional Reform Sensitivity Case Supply Demand Balance Mexico 10 29 2021.xlsx

    XLSX 347.22 KB