Market Report

Global solar PV inverter and MLPE landscape 2022: Prices, forecasts, market shares, trends and vendor profiles

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The 2022 Global PV inverter and MLPE landscape provides detailed, country-specific pricing and forecasts for microinverters, single-phase string inverters, three-phase string inverters, central inverters and DC optimizers. It explores the top trends as they relate to market dynamics, technology, codes and regulations, as well as competitive market share. The report also profiles the top inverter suppliers globally, providing background information and analysis on the vendors.

Table of contents

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This report contains:

  • Document

    Global solar PV inverter and MLPE landscape 2022_v2_PR.pdf

    PDF 3.28 MB

  • Document

    Global solar PV inverter and MLPE landscape 2022_v2_Data.xlsx

    XLSX 440.39 KB