Market Report

Solar-plus-storage system architectures: Design, pricing and economics in the US

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About the report

Solar-plus-storage will become one of the most common applications of power storage in the US. In 4 years, more than 50% of annual storage deployments are expected to be combined with solar. As systems designs evolve, the choice of system architecture will become an important consideration when developing solar-plus-storage projects.

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In this report, the system economics of front-of-the-meter AC-coupled and DC-coupled solar energy storage systems will be compared, and essential attributes that will drive each of these solar energy storage system architectures in both front-of-the-meter and behind-the-meter markets in the future will be defined.

About the author

Analyst Mitalee Gupta is an Energy Storage Analyst at Wood Mackenzie Power & Renewables, where she focuses on, inter alia, systems, technologies and supply chain analysis of the solar energy storage market.

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The Solar Energy Storage System Report for the US belongs to our Power & Renewables Reports. Data and analyses provide deep insight into the current and future state of electricity generation.