
The viability of smart panels: Assessing the current and future solutions for home energy management

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*Please note that this report only includes an Excel data file if this is indicated in "What's included" below

This report analyses the product and commercial landscape of home energy management solutions, including smart panels, smart subpanels, home energy monitors and other retrofit solutions. The cost of these technologies is evaluated against a quantification of their value propositions, in light of federal and utility incentives, technical capabilities and electrical code changes. Analysis of the commercial landscape includes partnerships, sales channels, technical integrations and strategic investment. The long-term viability of smart panels is ultimately evaluated in light of the coming deployment of AMI 2.0 and increased DER and appliance connectivity.

Table of contents

  • Value propositions
  • Product landscape
  • Incentives and pilots
  • Commercial landscape
  • AMI 2.0 and future viability
  • Appendix

Tables and charts

  • Share of heat pump and HPWH installs in California requiring a panel upgrade
  • Penetration of electric heating in 2023
  • Market size of avoided panel upgrades
  • Annual savings from home energy management (HEM) under residential time-of-use rates
  • Cost of leading HEM solutions
  • Combining HEEHRA with tax incentives (25C or 25D)
  • California utility and municipal panel upgrade incentives
  • Smart panel pilots
  • Disclosed investment and strategic investors in HEM startups
  • Current top markets for smart (sub)panels and energy monitors
  • Partnerships between HEM solution providers and AMI 2.0 providers
  • Potential "AMI 2.0 + Control" architecture

Table of contents

  • No table of contents specified

Tables and charts

No table or charts specified

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    The viability of smart panels_PR.pdf

    PDF 862.35 KB