
Downstream oil in brief: are higher retail fuel prices here to stay?

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Fuel prices have been soaring in many European markets, with the UK seeing record highs on a single day towards the end of October. Rising costs due to the tightness in the wholesale market for gasoline and diesel blending components combined with an increasing drive to tax carbon-based fuels are pushing up the price at the pump. Some governments have taken the issue into their own hands by introducing price caps amid fears around inflation. How are these developments impacting fuel retailers and margins?

Table of contents

  • Rising costs and policies aimed at decarbonising the transport sector send prices higher
  • Margins trend downwards and some countries resort to price caps
  • Summary

Tables and charts

This report includes 12 images and tables including:

  • Breakdown of UK retail gasoline price at £1.38/litre
  • Weighted average European gasoline gross retail margins
  • Weighted average European diesel gross retail margins
  • Main products: monthly unit gross margins
  • Croatia monthly gasoline gross retail margins
  • Croatia monthly diesel gross retail margins
  • UK monthly gasoline gross retail margins
  • UK monthly diesel gross retail margins
  • NWE refining margins
  • NWE gasoline/gas oil crack spreads
  • MED refining margins
  • MED gasoline/gas oil crack spreads

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Downstream oil in brief: are higher retail fuel prices here to stay?

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