
Global unconventional upstream in brief: 2020 archive

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This monthly briefing highlights current events and the latest play intelligence for unconventional upstream projects globally. Coverage includes shale gas, tight gas and tight oil plays beyond the US and Canada, whether proven or emerging. Sources for the news stories include company press releases, industry events, press coverage, and our own modelling changes. The facts are presented, but more importantly, we endeavour to provide proprietary Woodmac views with lots of opinion and analysis to add meaning, context, and relevance.

Table of contents

  • Argentina’s Vaca Muerta: what to watch in 2021
  • Energy Summit
  • Unconventional momentum continues in the Middle East
    • Recently updated reports
    • Canada: Ovintiv and PetroChina break up Duvernay joint venture
    • Colombia: Ecopetrol faces questions on Permian joint venture with Oxy
    • Argentina: Vaca Muerta assets drive liquids production recovery
    • Canada: Montney M&A continues as CNRL buys Painted Pony
    • Recently updated screening tool and reports
    • Canada: ConocoPhillips intensifies Montney completions and investment
    • Argentina: Unconventional assets lead production shut-ins
    • Russia: Tatneft, LUKOIL and Gazpromneft close Domanik JV deal
    • Argentina: Equinor and Shell increase Vaca Muerta interest
    • Global: the shale shut-in experiment
    • United States: type curve economic sensitivities
    • Argentina: Major Vaca Muerta production curtailments due to lack of demand
    • Canada: Duvernay economics updated with current oil price outlook
    • Australia: Origin Energy remains committed to Beetaloo despite coronavirus delay
    • Turkey: Equinor finalises exit from Thrace basin tight gas play
    • Recently updated unconventional play reports
    • Benchmark play metrics with our Unconventional Play Screening Tool .
    • China: NOCs continue to push shale gas amid coronavirus restrictions
    • Podcast: Middle East unconventional gas
    • United Arab Emirates: ADNOC discovers Jebel Ali tight gas
    • Saudi Arabia: Aramco sanctions Jafurah unconventional gas play
    • Benchmark play metrics with our Unconventional Play Screening Tool .
    • Recently updated unconventional play reports
    • Turkey: Equinor's Thrace basin tight gas journey ends
    • Australia: Origin Energy’s sidetracks Beetaloo basin horizontal
    • Argentina: Shell and Equinor grow their Vaca Muerta presence
    • Recently updated unconventional play reports
    • Benchmarkplay metrics with our Unconventional Play Screening Tool .
    • Global: 5 unconventional plays to watch in 2020
    • Russia: Three majors create a new JV for hard-to-recover oil
    • US: Devon’s Barnett exit marks the end of an era
    • Recently updated unconventional play reports
    • To see older stories and news, visit our 2019 archive here .

Tables and charts

This report includes 18 images and tables including:

  • Net present value of Canadian unconventional plays at Q1 and Q2 2020 planning prices. Duvernay sub-plays are uneconomic at low oil prices.
  • Comparison of well monthly production for June 2020 and previous peak in Bajada del Palo
  • JV blocks in the Russian Volga-Urals
  • Oil IP vs. payback period
  • Map of Jebel Ali between Abu Dhabi and Dubai
  • Map of Jafurah Basin, east of Ghawar field in Saudi Arabia
  • Equinor interest in Thrace basin, Turkey
  • Map showing Equinor and Shell Vaca Muerta blocks
  • China shale gas production profile
  • Mitchell Energy developed shale fracturing techniques in the late 1990’s, before selling Barnett assets to Devon in 2002.

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Global unconventional upstream in brief: 2020 archive

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