
MENA upstream: 5 things to look for in 2018

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After an action-packed 2017, what can we expect in 2018? We predict the five key themes we expect to see in MENA in 2018. Investment stable. Where is spending focussed over the coming year? Gas growth. The start-up of Zohr along with other major gas developments will help meet rapidly growing domestic demand. A big year for discovered resource opportunities. We look at where operators are hoping to lock-in low-cost, dependable returns. Exploration activity remains dampened. But there are a few wells which could have a high impact. We reveal where they are. Instability and political uncertainty continue. Militant activity and civil war will continue to beset parts of the region and US policy will loom large on Iran

Table of contents

  • 1. Investment dominated by low-cost Saudi and Iraqi oil projects
  • 2. Low-cost assets in the Middle East will be the focus of corporate activity
  • 3. Further gas growth as oil remains steady
  • 4.Licensing news dominated by ADNOC Offshore (ADMA) award
  • 5. Production unabated despite geopolitics
  • And finally...

Tables and charts

This report includes 4 images and tables including:

  • MENA capex by country, 2018 vs 2017
  • Capex per flowing barrel - top twenty countries by capex (2017)
  • MENA gas production by country, 2015 to 2020
  • Map of MENA 2018 licensing & exploration

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    MENA upstream: 5 things to look for in 2018

    PDF 692.91 KB