Asset Report

NOGAT System

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*Please note that this report only includes an Excel data file if this is indicated in "What's included" below

NOGAT (Noordelijke Offshore Gastransportleiding) is a gas gathering system built to transport production from fields in the northern area of the offshore Dutch sector.An extension to the NOGAT system, the A/6-F/3 pipeline, was laid in 2000 to export production from the German A/6-B/4 gas field.In 2003, the Dansk Undergrunds Consortium (DUC) companies and DONG agreed to build a pipeline linking the Tyra facilities in Denmark with the NOGAT pipeline system.

Table of contents

  • Key facts
    • Key Issues
  • Location maps
  • Participation
    • Pipeline
      • Phase I
      • Phase 2
      • Further Development
    • Terminal
  • Throughput
    • Tariff income
    • Capital costs
    • Operating costs
  • Fiscal and regulatory
    • Cash flow
    • Discount rate and date
    • Inflation rate
    • Exchange rate
    • Global Economic Model (GEM) file
  • Economic analysis

Tables and charts

This report includes 16 images and tables including:

  • Key facts: Table 1
  • NOGAT System map
  • Participation: Table 1
  • Throughput: Table 1
  • Throughput: Table 2
  • NOGAT System throughput profile
  • Cash flow (US$ million)
  • Economic analysis: Table 2
  • Economic analysis: Table 3
  • Split of Revenues
  • Cumulative Net Cash Flow - Undiscounted
  • Cumulative Net Cash Flow - Discounted at 10% from 01/01/2024
  • Remaining Revenue Distribution (Discounted at 10% from 01/01/2024)
  • Cash flow ( million)
  • Economic analysis: Table 5
  • Economic analysis: Table 6

What's included

This report contains: