Country Report

Turkmenistan upstream summary

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Turkmenistan is Central Asia's largest gas producer. Galkynysh (South Iolotan), the world's second largest gas field, will underpin future production. Turkmenistan exports gas to China via the Turkmenistan-China Gas Pipeline and is now highly reliant on the Chinese gas market. Turkmenistan's economy is tightly controlled and its investment climate is challenging. Only service contracts are currently available for onshore upstream projects. PSCs can be negotiated for offshore Caspian Sea acreage, where Dragon Oil and PETRONAS operate large-scale projects.

Table of contents

  • Executive summary
  • Key facts
  • Location maps
    • National companies
      • Turkmengaz and Turkmenneft
      • NAPECO (Turkmen National Oil and Gas Company)
    • IOCs
      • Offshore
      • Onshore
    • Service sector
    • Introduction
    • Amu Darya basin
    • Petroleum plays
      • Pre-salt
      • Post-salt
    • South Caspian basin
    • Petroleum plays
    • Mangyshlak basin
    • Petroleum plays
    • Deryalyk-Dovdan trough (sub-basin)
    • Surkhan-Vakhsh basin
    • Petroleum plays
    • Licensing
    • Overview
    • Current IOC licences
      • Offshore
      • Onshore
    • Future licensing
      • Offshore
      • Onshore
    • Historical licensing
      • Tender (service contract) for shallow-water North Kotur Tepe discovery (2017-18)
      • Licensing rounds (1991-2000)
      • Ad-hoc awards
      • Previous talks
    • Drilling
      • Drilling activity
    • Overview
      • Offshore
      • Onshore
    • Soviet-era exploration
      • Amu Darya basin
      • South Caspian basin (onshore)
      • South Caspian basin (offshore)
    • Recent NOC activity
      • Amu Darya basin
      • South Caspian basin (onshore)
      • South Caspian basin (offshore)
    • IOC activity
      • Amu Darya basin
      • South Caspian basin (onshore)
      • South Caspian basin (offshore)
      • Future drilling plans
      • Offshore
      • Onshore
    • Turkmen classification system
    • Reserves by basin
    • Liquids
    • Sales gas
    • Liquids
      • Historical production
      • Future production
    • Gas
      • Historical sales production
      • Future sales production
    • Introduction
      • Liquids
      • Gas
    • Oil infrastructure
      • Existing liquids pipelines
    • Rail and sea transportation
      • Rail infrastructure
      • Ports and shipping
    • Refineries
    • Gas infrastructure
    • Existing gas pipelines
      • Turkmenistan-China Gas Pipeline
      • Central Asia-Centre (CAC)
      • Gas pipelines to Iran
      • Other export pipelines
      • Key domestic pipelines
    • Planned gas pipelines
      • Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) pipeline
      • Trans-Caspian Gas Pipeline (TCGP, Turkmenistan-Azerbaijan)
    • Gas processing plants (GPPs)
    • Gas-feed projects
      • Operational projects
      • Proposed / speculative projects
    • Introduction
    • Capital costs
      • Capital expenditure by location
    • Operating costs
      • Operating expenditure by location
    • Key legislation
      • Petroleum Law (Law on Hydrocarbon Resources), 2008
      • Law on the Subsurface, 1992
    • Other important laws
      • Law on Joint Stock Companies, 1991
      • Law on Enterprise Activities, 2000
      • Law on Foreign Investment, 1992
      • Law on Foreign Concessions, 1993
      • Decree on Resource Use, 1999
      • Tax Code, 2004
      • Law on Trunk Pipeline Transport, 2013
      • Law on Gas and Gas Supply, 2013
      • Decree abolishing the State Agency for Management and Use of Hydrocarbon Resources and Ministry of Oil and Gas, 2016
    • Regulatory body
      • Previous regulatory bodies
    • State oil company
      • Key state-owned companies
    • State participation
    • International boundaries
    • Legal status of the Caspian Sea
      • Overview
      • North Caspian Sea
      • South Caspian Sea
    • Overview
    • Upstream
    • Midstream / downstream
      • Pipelines
    • Current fiscal terms
    • NOC-operated assets
    • PSCs
      • State equity participation
      • Bonuses, rentals and fees
      • Royalty and other production taxes
      • PSC cost recovery
      • PSC profit sharing
      • Corporate income tax (CIT, profit tax)
      • Contractor revenue entitlement
      • Liquids and natural gas pricing
      • Domestic market oil obligation (DMO)
      • Abandonment fund
      • Excess profit tax
      • Fiscal/contractual ring-fences
      • Dividend withholding tax
      • Indirect taxes
      • Sample cash flow
    • Historical background
    • JVs
    • PSCs
      • Original 1994 model terms

Tables and charts

This report includes 44 images and tables including:

  • Gas production by field
  • Key facts: Table 1
  • Country map
  • Reserves and contingent resources at 01/01/2024
  • Liquids and Gas Production 2023
  • Turkmenistan: basin map
  • Amu Darya basin: simplified stratigraphy
  • South Caspian basin: simplified stratigraphy
  • Reserves and resources: Table 1
  • Liquids and gas reserves
  • Reserves and resources: Table 2
  • Liquids reserves by basin
  • Gas reserves by basin
  • Reserves and resources: Table 3
  • Reserves and resources: Table 4
  • Infrastructure: Table 2
  • Infrastructure: Table 3
  • Infrastructure: Table 4
  • Turkmen sector of Caspian Sea: current licences
  • Liquids production
  • Production: Table 1
  • Production: Table 2
  • Liquids production by field
  • Production: Table 3
  • Production: Table 4
  • Gas production
  • Production: Table 5
  • Production: Table 6
  • Gas production by field
  • Production: Table 7
  • Production: Table 8
  • Infrastructure: Table 1
  • Turkmenistan: existing and planned liquids pipelines
  • West Turkmenistan: gas pipelines
  • East Turkmenistan: gas pipelines
  • Costs: Table 1
  • Costs: Table 2
  • Costs: Table 3
  • Costs: Table 4
  • Caspian Sea map
  • Fiscal terms: Table 1
  • Fiscal terms: Table 2
  • Fiscal terms: Table 3
  • Fiscal terms: Table 4

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Country Overview

    PDF 16.70 MB

  • Document

    Country Overview

    XLS 1.03 MB