
Will responsibly sourced gas shift from differentiator to necessity?

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Investor pressure to improve environmental performance, primarily through emissions reduction, continues to intensify for oil and gas companies. In addition, the Biden administration aims to strengthen air quality regulation. Multiple legislative proposals targeting methane are currently working through Congress. What can Lower 48 operators do to stay ahead in the face of regulatory and investor headwinds? Obtaining certification for responsibly sourced gas (RSG) is one tool that a growing number of E&P's are using to differentiate themselves. But what is RSG, and how much of a differentiator is it in the long run?

Table of contents

    • What does responsibly sourced gas mean for upstream companies?
    • What sort of companies are producing RSG?
    • Examples of how RSG can benefit Lower 48 E&Ps
    • A different type of gas, but not for long
  • Conclusion

Tables and charts

This report includes the following images and tables:

  • Certification program criteria
  • GHG emission intensity

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Will responsibly sourced gas shift from differentiator to necessity?

    PDF 1.39 MB