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Huogeqi zinc mine
Huogeqi mine is located in Inner Mongolia province, China. The operation consisted of two separate plants, a copper plant and a separate lead-zinc ...
Hellyer Mine Restart (Closed) zinc mine
This profile relates to Bass Metals' Hellyer Mine Project (HMP), a restart of the Hellyer Zn-Pb mine that closed in 2000. The HMP sources ore from ...
Hellyer Tailings Restart zinc mine
Hellyer project is located in North-West Tasmania, Australia. This profile covers the 8Mt reserves of ore contained within existing tailings dam at...
Casapalca (Americana) zinc mine
Casapalca is an underground mine exploiting manto orebodies in the deeper parts of the mine and vein-hosted orebodies in the upper levels. Around 8...
Castellanos zinc mine project
The deposit was discovered in 1962. In 2012, Trafigura considered developing a 1Mt/a ore Pb-Zn mine at this site. In January 2015, Trafigura signed...
Chagan Chagan zinc mine
Chagan mine is located in Inner Mongolia. The deposit is exploited by two companies, Hulunbuir Chagan Mining Ltd. and New Barag Right Banner Yishen...
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