
Coal prices: what's next after a roller coaster ride?

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Coal prices bottomed out after ARA saw a US$20/t drop within only two weeks and hit US$51/t, a three-year low. The collapse was significant enough to pull Newcastle benchmark down from the high US$90s to the low US$70s. What's behind the collapse? Is the recovery temporary? What are the risks ahead? In this piece, we discuss how gas prices have contributed to the drop, as well as key assumptions and risks behind our near term coal prices forecast.

Table of contents

    • Causes
    • Near-term price outlook and key risks

Tables and charts

This report includes 2 images and tables including:

  • Price spread between Newcastle and ARA
  • Short-term gas price forecast

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Coal prices: what's next after a roller coaster ride?

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