Asset Report

Cannington zinc mine

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Cannington is an underground lead, zinc and silver mine located in Western Queensland. The operation is owned and operated by South32 following the demerger with BHP Billiton in 2015. In June 2021, South32 updated the Reserve and Resources statement for Cannington, which indicated that mine life for the underground mine would extend out to 2030. Expansion of the mine via an open pit had been considered in the past by both BHP Billiton and South32 but is not included in the accompanying analysis given that the current owners are unlikely to proceed with this development.

Table of contents

  • Key issues
  • Emissions
  • Mining
  • Process

Tables and charts

This report includes 4 images and tables including:

  • Cannington Emission Intensity Quartile ranking – total global production - tonnes Zn equivalent
  • Detailed map

What's included

This report contains: