Back in the black: global exploration review of 2018
*Please note that this report only includes an Excel data file if this is indicated in "What's included" below
Report summary
Table of contents
- Executive summary
- The story is only going to get better
- Big exploration is an exclusive club
- Large and giantdiscoveries
How exploration returned to profitability
- Can this exploration recovery be sustained?
- Further analyses
Appendix: Exploration performance modelling
- Fundamental principles
- Exploration spend
Tables and charts
This report includes 9 images and tables including:
- Full-cycle exploration returns 2009-2018
- Exploration value creation 2009-2018
- Volumes discovered
- Volume growth over time
- Volumes discovered by company in 2017
- Volumes discovered by company in 2018
- Large 2018 discoveries
- Top 15 countries by conventional new field discovered volumes
- Weighted average lead-time from discovery to first production
What's included
This report contains:
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The Maria discovery is located in the Haltenbanken area of the Norwegian Sea.
Nova is an oil and gas field in the Northern North Sea, located 15 kilometres west of Gjøa.