Market Report

Global Onshore Wind Operations and Maintenance Trends 2019

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About the report

Wood Mackenzie's Power and Renewable's Global Onshore Wind Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Trends 2019 provides up-to-date market and strategy analyses of principal regional wind O&M markets in Europe, America, and Asia-Pacific.

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Next to regional analyses the report comprises a global executive summary on the onshore wind operations and maintenance market. On top of that, key industry issues such as advancements in wind O&M technology and digital services are outlined.

About the author

Our analyst Daniel Liu has a history in onshore wind operations and maintenance, having previously worked as operations project manager for a fleet of 800 wind turbines. He is Wood Mackenzie's Principal Analyst responsible for Wind Operations and Maintenance market research, technology, and asset management.

Our Power & Renewables Reports

Global Onshore Wind Operations and Maintenance Trends 2019 belong to our Power & Renewables Reports. Data and analyses provide deep insight into the current and future state of electricity generation.