
Downstream oil in brief: EG Group to buy OMV's German retail network

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EG Group has entered into an agreement to acquire OMV's German network of 285 service stations in the South of the country. The deal is expected to close later in 2021 and will see the EG Group’s network become the third-largest in Germany. Success will be dependent on whether the heavily leveraged EG Group can extract the same level of value from its continental Europe network as it has done in the UK. For EG Group, could this be the end of a spate of debt-funded acquisitions and is an IPO next on the cards?

Table of contents

  • Exiting refiners and changing consumer behaviour paves the way for independent fuel retailers
  • Extracting maximum value from service stations as road transport fuel demand declines
  • Conclusion
    • December values decline as European refinery run rates remain low and tighter lockdown restrictions are implemented
    • Wholesale prices rise on the back of strengthening crude oil prices turning average European fuel margins negative once again in December

Tables and charts

This report includes 9 images and tables including:

  • NWE refining margins
  • NWE gasoline/gas oil crack spreads
  • MED refining margins
  • MED gasoline/gas oil crack spreads
  • Gross marketing margins December 2020
  • Netherlands gross gasoline retail margins
  • Netherlands gross diesel retail margins
  • Spain gross gasoline retail margins
  • Spain gross diesel retail margins

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Downstream oil in brief: EG Group to buy OMV's German retail network

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