Commodity Market Report

Hungary downstream oil long-term outlook

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*Please note that this report only includes an Excel data file if this is indicated in "What's included" below

The Hungarian oil products market is dominated by sole domestic refiner, MOL. Having a supply advantage in a land-locked market enables MOL to exert influence on wholesale prices. It is also market leader in the retail fuel segment. Apart from MOL’s main competitors, Shell and OMV, there is a discount segment as well. This segment includes the automated sites of independent players ENVI, Auchan, Mobil Petrol and those of the supermarket chain Aldi. We expect non-fuel retail to play an increasingly important part in supporting net profitability for retailers by embracing consumer needs and reducing exposure to falling transport fuel demand. MOL, Shell and OMV are leading the way by investing in forecourt diversification to embrace these trends.

Table of contents

  • Market drivers
  • Outlook
  • Car parc
  • Gasoline
  • Diesel/gas oil
  • Jet kerosene
    • Product quality
    • Biofuels
    • Electric vehicles
    • Retail volumes
    • Retail network development
    • Major players: competitive position
    • Major players: strategies
    • MOL
    • Shell
    • Independent groups
    • Hypermarkets
    • Non-fuel retailing
    • Motor fuels (gasoline and diesel)
    • Industrial/domestic gasoil
    • Aviation kerosene
    • Heavy fuel oil
    • LPG
    • Lubricants
    • Retail fuels marketing
    • Retail price formation
    • Commercial fuels marketing
  • Distribution of oil products
  • Oil product storage infrastructure

Tables and charts

This report includes 15 images and tables including:

  • Total demand
  • Demand by product
  • Car parc by vehicle type
  • Duna refinery profile
  • Biogasoline and biodiesel blending percentages
  • Retail fuel volumes
  • Retail network size and market share by player (2022)
  • Network development and average site throughput
  • Network effectiveness ratio: ratio of share of fuel sales to share of sites (2022)
  • Commercial fuels demand
  • Gross retail margins per year
  • Retail gasoline 95RON price formation (average 2022)
  • Retail diesel price formation (average 2022)
  • Storage and distribution infrastructure

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Hungary downstream oil long-term outlook

    PDF 2.02 MB