Commodity Market Report

Italy downstream oil long-term outlook

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*Please note that this report only includes an Excel data file if this is indicated in "What's included" below

National refiner Eni remains the retail market leader. Its position is underpinned by control of a greater proportion of the oil supply infrastructure. Many of the international majors have exited the market in recent years and the arrival of the EG Group could lead to a more developed non-fuel sector. The market is characterised by a high density of retail fuel outlets with lower throughputs than the European average. Italy has not seen the widespread entry of the hypermarkets into the fuel retail market. This has kept retail prices high and protected the independent 'white pump' operators from being priced out of the market.

Table of contents

  • Market drivers
  • Outlook
  • Car parc
  • Gasoline
  • Diesel/gasoil
  • Jet kerosene
    • Biofuels
    • Electromobility
    • CNG/LPG
    • Hydrogen
    • Retail fuel volumes
    • Retail network efficiency
    • Major players: competitive position
    • Non-fuel retailing
    • Major players: strategies
    • Eni
    • Q8 (Kuwait Petroleum)
    • API (Anonima Petroli Italiana)
    • Esso (EG Group)
    • Esso (ExxonMobil)
    • Tamoil
    • LUKOIL
    • Independent groups
    • Retitalia
    • Hypermarket fuel outlets
    • Motor fuels (gasoline/diesel)
    • Industrial/domestic gasoil
    • Aviation kerosene
    • LPG
    • Lubricants
    • Retail fuels margins
    • Oil product pipelines
    • SIGEMI pipeline system
    • SARPOM pipeline network
    • Eni pipeline network
    • Independent petroleum product storage

Tables and charts

This report includes 25 images and tables including:

  • Total demand
  • Demand by product
  • Car parc by fuel type
  • Biofuel blending
  • Retail fuel volumes
  • Network size and throughput per site
  • Network effectiveness ratio: ratio of share of fuel sales to share of sites
  • Retail fuel network size and retail fuel market share (2022)
  • Commercial diesel volumes
  • Average annual gross retail margins
  • Retail gasoline price formation (2022)
  • Retail diesel price formation (2022)
  • Storage and distribution infrastructure
  • Augusta refinery profile
  • Busalla refinery profile
  • Falconara refinery profile
  • ISAB (Priolo) refinery profile
  • Livorno refinery profile
  • Milazzo refinery profile
  • Ravenna refinery profile
  • Sanazzaro refinery profile
  • Saras refinery profile
  • Taranto refinery profile
  • Trecate refinery profile

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Italy downstream oil long-term outlook

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