Asset Report

Vienna Basin shale gas unconventional play

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*Please note that this report only includes an Excel data file if this is indicated in "What's included" below

The Mikulov marls of the Vienna Basin are over 1,000 metres (3,000 feet) thick and are believed to contain large volumes of gas, with an estimated 550 tcf in-place.  No gas has been produced from the marls so far but they have been penetrated by over 70 wells, with seven wells specifically targeting them.  The basin is located at the centre of the European gas market, with excellent transportation links for moving gas across the continent. Despite the volumes and location, extracting gas...

Table of contents

  • Key facts
    • Commercialisation overview
    • Update messages
    • What to watch
  • Location maps
  • Timeline
  • Geology
  • Reserves and resources
    • Gas market
  • Infrastructure
    • Fiscal terms
      • Austria oil royalty rates effective 01/01/2014
      • Austria oil royalty rates effective 01/01/2014
    • Environment/regulation
    • Land access/permitting
    • Supply chain
    • Water procurement/disposal
    • Technology
  • Key companies
  • Economic assumptions
  • Economic analysis

Tables and charts

This report includes 11 images and tables including:

  • Key facts: Table 1
  • The Vienna Basin shales are located close to markets and infrastructure
  • Vienna basin geological characteristics
  • Vienna basin resources/reserves build-up
  • Resource/reserve assumptions
  • Economic assumptions: Table 1
  • Economic analysis: Table 1
  • Economic analysis: Image 1
  • Type well cash flow - rich gas
  • Fiscal and regulatory: Table 1
  • Fiscal and regulatory: Table 2

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Vienna Basin shale gas unconventional play

    PDF 4.70 MB

  • Document

    Data Summary Vienna Shale.xls

    XLS 144.00 KB