Country Report

Canada (Saskatchewan) upstream fiscal summary

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*Please note that this report only includes an Excel data file if this is indicated in "What's included" below

Concession-based fiscal regime, with complicated royalty calculations which vary with petroleum type, project age and prices as specified by the authorities. Signature bonuses are biddable and can vary significantly. Federal and provincial income taxes are also payable. Split of the Barrel The barrel = lifetime revenue / field reserves. Profit = revenue – costs from barrel charts. For further details see New Investment: Methodology. Source: Wood Mackenzie

Table of contents

  • Basis
  • Licence terms
  • Government equity participation
    • Ring-fencing
    • Bonuses, rentals and fees
    • Indirect taxes
    • VAT/Sales Taxes
    • Oil
    • Gas
    • Freehold production tax
    • Royalty incentives
    • Carbon taxes
    • Federal income tax
    • Provincial income tax
    • Tax Incentives
    • Product pricing
    • Summary of modeled terms
  • Recent history of fiscal changes
  • Stability provisions
  • Split of the barrel and share of profit
  • Effective royalty rate and maximum government share
  • Progressivity
  • Fiscal deterrence

Tables and charts

This report includes 22 images and tables including:

  • Timeline
  • Timeline details
  • Split of the barrel - oil
  • Split of the barrel - gas
  • Share of profit - oil
  • Share of profit - gas
  • Effective royalty rate and minimum state share - Oil
  • Effective royalty rate and minimum state share - Gas
  • Maximum government share and maximum state share - Oil
  • Maximum government share and maximum state share - Gas
  • State share versus Pre-Share IRR - oil
  • State share versus Pre-Share IRR - gas
  • Investor IRR versus Pre-Share IRR - oil
  • Investor IRR versus Pre-Share IRR - gas
  • Bonuses, rentals and fees
  • Oil royalty rate
  • Gas royalty rate
  • Associated gas royalty rate
  • Federal carbon tax history

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Canada (Saskatchewan) upstream fiscal summary

    PDF 1.30 MB