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CP2 LNG - Phase 2
Venture Global CP2 and Venture Global CP Express, both wholly owned subsidiaries of Venture Global, are proposing to build, own and operate the CP2...
Global LNG - FSRU Overview
FSRU Deployment Surges Amid Energy Crisis The energy crisis, spurred by reduced Russian gas supply, has driven high demand for FSRUs. Europe’s swif...
Le Havre FSRU
Le Havre FSRU is an operational floating LNG terminal in Normandy, northwest France. The vessel deployed at the Bougainville quay, port of Le Havre...
Q4 2024 North America LNG Projects Update
The North America LNG Projects tracker evaluates each proposed LNG project globally. We rank each project against seven key criteria that must be r...
PNG LNG - commercial overview
The Papua New Guinea (PNG) LNG project in Papua is a two-train LNG development operated by ExxonMobil. The PNG LNG commercial overview outlines the...
Papua LNG - commercial overview
Papua LNG is a proposed LNG facility to be located 25 kilometres north of Port Moresby, the capital of Papua New Guinea. The Papua LNG commercial o...
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