
Wood Mackenzie at Mining Indaba and 121 Mining Investment 2024

Cape Town, South Africa | 5-8 February

Meet a member of our team at this year's Mining Indaba and 121 Mining Investment, in Cape Town, South Africa | 5-8 February


About the events: 


Mining Indaba 2024

Embracing the power of positive disruption: A bold new future for African mining

Since 1994, Investing in African Mining Indaba has been the #1 place for deal sourcing and corporate matchmaking for the African mining industry. It has and continues to serve as the most comprehensive gathering for investment, finance, innovation, and transformation to support end-to-end value creation.

In 2024 we aim to elevate the Mining Indaba experience through our theme: 'Embracing the power of positive disruption: A bold new future for African mining' - which will encourage and support the needed change and disruption the African mining industry needs to move forward. Because the industry being in the early onset of disruption, with advancements in technology, health & safety, environment and exploration to name a few, we believe it is time to put the real issues on the agenda – outlining the true investment inhibitors and how these ultimately feed into new opportunities.

Join us from 5-8 February 2024 and experience Mining Indaba as we initiate the conversations on embracing change and leading positive disruption that would revolutionise the present, and the future of the industry.

View the full agenda.


121 Mining Investment

Join us at Africa’s largest dedicated mining investment event

Returning on 5-6 February 2024, 121 Mining Investment Cape Town is the largest dedicated mining investment event in South Africa. 

The event will bring together over 110 mining companies and 650+ investors in the grounds of a beautiful manor house, for two days of curated 1-2-1 meetings and in-depth industry insights from leading funds and analysts. 

Launched in 2015, 121 Cape Town has grown thanks to its reputation for delivering effective 1-2-1 meetings between investors and miners in relaxed environment for networking and deal making, and ensuring all parties make the most out of their time out of the office.

View the full agenda.

Request a meeting with a member of our team

Are you attening Mining Indaba or 121 Mining Investment this year? Meet us at the event by completing the form at the top of the page to book a meeting.