LNG Corporate Service
Analyse and benchmark key global LNG players to gain a corporate perspective on investments, mitigating risks and optimising your position
Detailed analysis of key LNG players
Understanding the positions and strategies of the major LNG players is crucial for you to maintain a competitive edge. Our LNG Corporate Service provides in-depth analysis and forward-looking insight on how the portfolios and strategies of the key LNG players are evolving, allowing you to understand your counterparties, make informed strategic decisions, and stay ahead of the competition.

Features and workflows
LNG Corporate service is focused on short- to long-term strategies of LNG players, with data on LNG assets, contracts, and commercial insights into the LNG market.
Key features of Wood Mackenzie's LNG Corporate Service:
- Executive summaries and SWOT analyses.
- Summaries of LNG strategy and assessments of how companies monetise LNG positions.
- Asian buyers report.
- 240+ assets with detailed operating and capital cost models.
- Access to expert analysts.
Wood Mackenzie's LNG Corporate Service provides data on:
Portfolio player profiles
- Reports on 10 major portfolio players including Shell, Naturgy, Total and ExxonMobil.
LNG traders:
- Detailed report on commodity trader activities in LNG.
Buyer analysis:
- Reports on emerging and legacy buyers in Asia, understanding procurement needs.
Portfolio benchmarking
- Compare contract portfolios of major players across metrics like uncontracted LNG exposure, cost of LNG procurement, and LNG asset holdings.
Wood Mackenzie's LNG Corporate Service enables a number of key workflows including:
Corporate strategy research
- Screen LNG portfolio player positions and strategies.
- Analyse how LNG players will use their supply, market access and shipping to create value.
- Benchmark against peer performance.
- Understand competitors and sellers’ strengths and weaknesses.
LNG origination
- Understand the contracted position of existing and emerging buyers in Asia, and what will drive their future need for LNG volumes on a spot and contract basis.
- Analyse the contract (volume and price) positions of existing portfolio players and traders.
- Identify the right counterparty to procure LNG from.
- Benchmark against peer performance.
LNG marketing & trading
- Receive regular updates on corporate LNG trends and events.
- Analyse the contract (volume and price) positions of existing portfolio players and traders.
- Understand competitors and sellers’ strengths and weaknesses.
Why choose WoodMac's LNG Corporate Service?
Integrated - Our LNG corporate forecasts leverage expertise from our global and regional corporate, upstream, and gas markets teams, to put LNG strategy in context.
Transparent - Customers get full access to our analysts for ad hoc discussions and custom presentations, plus visibility on the full range of assumptions that feed our models.
Unique - We leverage analysis of our contract, tender, and new ship-tracking databases to provide a consistent and considered Wood Mackenzie view with unique data points on LNG portfolio value and trading activities.
Frequently asked questions
Here you’ll find answers to the most common questions you may have on Wood Mackenzie's LNG Corporate Service. If you have any other questions, get in touch.
LNG Corporate Service complements the data available in our other offerings, such as LNG Service & Tool, adding another dimension to your LNG research by incorporating even more in-depth analysis of the positions and strategies of major LNG players into our existing coverage of LNG assets and market fundamentals.
Key data, benchmarking, reports, and summaries offered in LNG Corporate Service are updated annually and accessible through our easy-to-use tool for you to filter, visualise, and download.
Also, customers get full access to our analysts for discussions, custom presentations, and ad hoc analyses that may be published.
Your success is our success!
Gain direct access to our analysts & industry-leading research to keep ahead of market trends and dynamics. Delivering a quick turnaround on requests and queries, consider us an extension of your team!
Contact an expert
Enhance your view of the LNG landscape with an in-depth and comprehensive understanding of LNG portfolio players, LNG traders, and Asian LNG buyers. Contact our experts to learn more about LNG Corporate Service.

Gas, LNG & The Future of Energy Conference
Join us from 10-11 June 2025 in London for expert industry insight on the challenges and opportunities for the sector.