COP26: how the energy and natural resources industries are responding to climate change challenges
After a year of delay due to Covid-19, COP26 will define the next five years’ climate ambitions.
1 minute read
Prakash Sharma
Vice President, Head of Scenarios and Technologies
Prakash Sharma
Vice President, Head of Scenarios and Technologies
Prakash leads a team of analysts designing research for the energy transition.
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Starting today, our weekly COP26 briefings will get you up to speed on all things COP ahead of November’s Conference of the Parties, the United Nations climate change conference, in Glasgow.
Each week, we focus on a different natural resources segment to explore the issues that industries, regulators, governments and consumers around the world must address to tackle climate change.
Why COP26 matters
COP26 comes at a critical time for the global energy and natural resources industries. Postponed a year because of Covid-19, this landmark conference for countries, policy makers, investors and interested parties is more urgent than ever.
With net zero now firmly in the sights of many nations, the original national determined contributions (NDCs) – the measures countries set to curb their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions – have already tightened, and will be ratcheted up for the next five-year cycle.
But there is more to do. The conference will review those pledges and encourage more countries to make ambitious commitments. Officials, ministers and heads of government will also discuss plans for adapting to climate change, and ways for richer countries to help pay for emissions cuts in other countries. On the agenda will be near-term policy targets, new and developing technologies, subsidies, trade mechanisms and more.
What’s inside our weekly COP26 briefing?
- Key takeaways
- Charts and tables
- Where to find more information
- How WoodMac can help your business
How the energy and natural resources industries are responding to climate change challenges
In the first of our weekly briefings, we are looking at the energy transition and carbon emissions challenges. Next week, we will focus on carbon policies and price mechanisms. Scroll down to see what’s coming up.
What’s coming up?
- 11 August COP26 briefing: Carbon pricing and policy
- 18 August COP26 briefing: Oils and downstream
- 25 August COP26 briefing: Upstream
- 1 September COP26 briefing: Power, solar, wind and storage
- 8 September COP26 briefing: Gas and LNG
- 15 September COP26 briefing: Coal (thermal and met)
- 22 September COP26 briefing: Carbon capture and storage (CCS) and hydrogen technologies
- 29 September COP26 briefing: Base metals
- 6 October COP26 briefing: Petchems
- 13 October COP26 briefing: Electric vehicles and battery raw materials
- 20 October COP26 briefing: The corporate response
- 27 October COP26 briefing: Economics of energy
- 1-12 November COP26 in Glasgow