
Europe gas and LNG: 6 things to look for in 2024

Predictions for the year ahead

1 minute read

What's in this year's report?

Europe entered 2024 with a record 86% of gas storage levels. Weak demand has been the biggest driver, further depressed by benign weather dynamics and low economic activity. Price volatility will persist, but the summer of 2024 might look much like the oversupplied summer of 2023. 

What will the year ahead hold? Which factors will create risk and volatility? In this report, we draw on insight from Lens Gas & LNG to pick out the six things we'll be watching closely in the European gas markets in 2024.

This includes: 

  • End of Ukraine transit
  • New piped gas supply
  • LNG and piped gas contracting
  • And more. 

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