
Market design, DERs and the future of flexibility: Lessons from California's 2020 rolling blackouts

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On Friday 14 August and Saturday 15 August 2020, there were two rolling blackouts called by the California Independent Service Operator (CAISO) in response to increased demand during a heat wave across the West Coast. In this report we survey distributed energy resources (DERs) in California and seek to answer three questions: What DERs are available in the state? How did these resources impact California's capacity deficit during the heatwave? What role could these resources play in future events?

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This report contains:

  • Document

    Market design, DERs and the future of flexibility - Lessons from CA's 2020 rolling blackouts_PR.pdf

    PDF 2.16 MB

  • Document

    Market design, DERs and the future of flexibility - Lessons from CA's 2020 rolling blackouts_Data.xlsx

    XLSX 142.69 KB