Understand The Dynamics of Myanmar's Gas Market
How could the emergence of new plays affect regional gas markets?
Deepwater exploration offshore Myanmar began in 2014. Over 15 tcf of gas has been discovered in its shallow waters and there is considerable deepwater prospectivity. The government has developed an Energy Master Plan, but investors and operators need to know how Myanmar's upstream programme will affect regional gas markets.
Our new multi-client study 'Myanmar’s Gas Dynamics' provides an accurate and measureable picture of how Myanmar’s evolving gas market will impact the region. Gain insight on sources of supply, domestic and East Asian gas demand, including the power sector, and future policy responses.
Using a scenario-based approach that draws on our leading regional research, proprietary data and modelling tools, the study will help you:
- Analyse Myanmar’s current and potential future gas demand outlook
- Review current regulation, the policy outlook and Energy Master Plan
- Survey exploration activities and incentives required to meet gas demand
- Measure potential upstream value to Myanmar and E&P companies
The study also contains dynamic data and analysis that enable you to:
Understand the market with detailed insight on potential regional and domestic demand
Review upstream commitments and the incentives required to deliver value
Compare potential routes to gas monetization, and identify potential roadblocks, including domestic demand
Explore the pricing outlook using detailed asset break-even rates linked to downstream gas sales and export gas pricing for pipeline gas and LNG