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Driven by a growing list of stakeholder requirements and an explosion in creative solutions, Wood Mackenzie considers industry’s curiosity and inte...


The US Gulf of Mexico region-wide Lease Sale 250 was held on 21 March 2018. It attracted 159 bids from 33 participating companies, with high bids t...


Gulfport Energy continues to high-grade its acreage and grow its position in the Lean Gas Core. Meanwhile, Chevron shifts its capital focus from me...


This downturn has shown us that Lower 48 producers are quick to respond to negative market conditions, taking around 2 million b/d of oil out of th...

Asset Report

The Haynesville is a deep, high-temperature, and over-pressured dry gas formation in northwest Louisiana and east Texas. Well costs tend to be high...


This is our latest ‘in brief’ report covering the international unconventional oil and gas sector, outside of the US. We have highlighted the main ...

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