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Webinar: Polyamide and PBT strategic outlook H1 2023
The thermoplastics team hosted a webinar on 30 May 2023 to present their long-term report update. The report describes a detailed vision of the sup...
The Chemical Reaction
Welcome to the Chemical Reaction. In this rolling blog Wood Mackenzie analysts bring you their take on the trends and stories impacting the chemica...
Tracking the Value of Refinery-Petrochemical Integration
Integrated refining-petrochemical sites represent a growing fraction of global capacity, including many of the most competitive assets in the world...
China maintains power in global methanol market
As the first country to be affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, China’s leading position in the global methanol market looked at risk in 2020. But it...
Opportunities in Emerging Flexible Packaging markets to 2019
Identify market and investment opportunities in fifteen different emerging flexible packaging markets, including India, Indonesia, Brazil, Russia a...
RPET China Study - China Waste Import Ban 2017
The influence of the Chinese PET recycling industry on the rest of the world is significant. The Chinese government’s announcement that waste impor...
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